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One of the most common diagnostic tools we use in veterinary clinics is radiographs (or X-rays).  Cowra Veterinary Centre is fully equipped to take and immediately process radiographs of your pet.  


Radiographs are particularly useful for diagnosing problems in animal bones, the chest (heart/lungs) and abdomen.  After our veterinarians have discussed your pet’s condition and fully examined your pet, they will advise you whether radiographs are required.


Call Us for an appointment

(02) 6341 3113

What are radiographs?

A radiograph is very similar to a photo, except that X-rays instead of light rays are used

to capture the image. X-rays penetrate dense tissue (such as bone) less than they

penetrate soft tissue (such as lungs). So these different tissues show up as different

shades of white/grey/black on a radiograph.


Bone absorbs the most X-rays so shows up as white on a radiograph, while soft tissue (such as liver or intestines) will appear as shades of grey. Air shows up as black on a radiograph so lungs should appear black, assuming they are full of air. We will show you your pet’s radiographs and explain our findings when your pet goes home.



What happens when my pet is booked in for a radiograph?

Most of our patients are admitted into hospital for the day to have radiographs taken, except for emergencies where we will admit them immediately.  


Please bring your pet in without being fed on the morning of their appointment, as they may need to be sedated or anaesthetised to allow us to take the best quality radiographs possible.


After the radiographs have been taken and your pet is ready to go home, one of our veterinarians will show you the radiographs and discuss our findings and treatment plan.


Will my pet need to be sedated or anaesthetised to have radiographs taken?

To get an accurate diagnosis of your pet’s condition, we need high quality radiographs.  


To get these radiographs, it may be necessary to give your pet sedation or anaesthesia as most pets will (understandably) not lie still enough in the correct position while we take the radiograph.  


This is especially true if your pet’s condition is painful (e.g. fractures).  Sedation and anaesthesia also mean we can minimize the number of radiographs we have to take which is safer for your pet and for our veterinary staff.

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