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Disease Investigation in Sheeps, Pigs, Alpacas & Goats

Disease can take many forms – dead stock is an obvious sign of a problem but other more subtle clinical signs (such as poor weight gain or scouring) may indicate that there is a problem.  


The earlier in the course of disease that we begin our investigation, the better chance we have of getting the right diagnosis and thus the right treatment to prevent the spread of disease.


Disease investigation begins with a complete physical examination of a sick animal, either on your farm or at the clinic.  We may need to take samples (such as blood or faeces) or do post-mortems if stock are dying in order to get a diagnosis.  


The samples are then sent to the government laboratory in Sydney for analysis.  Copies of the results are automatically sent to the Local Land Services (LLS) veterinarian so they can get involved in the case if necessary.


Each species is prone to different problems and diseases.  Sheep and goats can be prone to problems with worms; sheep also have trouble with pregnancy toxaemia (lambing sickness), pneumonia and foot abscess during wet periods.  


Pigs can have problems with scours while alpacas can suffer from nutritional and vitamin deficiencies.

Call Us for an appointment

(02) 6341 3113

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